Monday, January 17, 2011

Feedback session

Couple of days back, my manager has conducted a session titled “Feedback session”. Many of us do not heard this activity before. Let me tell you what the session is all about.

In the globalized corporate world, working with team is an inexplicable thing. In such a scenario, most of us unable to know what our team mates are thinking about us. Everyone has positive as well negative views on any individual. But most of the time we don’t want to let the individual person knows.

In “Feedback session” this barriers could be broken into particle as if the glass has fallen on the floor.
Pre setup before kick starts session:
1. Every person has to sit and form a circle.
2. Everyone has to write his/her name on the top of the white sheet (make sure both side should be unused)
3. Everyone has to pass his paper to the person sitting next to you and this process should be repeated to 2 or 3 times.
4. Now each of us has a different owner’s paper. Now each one should write the positive things about the person (whose name is available in top of the paper) in one side and negative things on the other side of the paper.

Pass the paper once you have done your job and ready to get next paper from the person sitting before you.This process cycle should be completed until you get your paper.
At end of this session, each of you comes to know what your team mates are thinking about you.

Significance of Feedback session:
1. Everyone can analyze his/her positive as well negative. So, we can be more cheerful about our positive and give more care on our negative to convert them into positive.
2. Some people have found some negative things with somebody else but they don’t want to spell out to him as they feel uncomfortable to do it. But through this process we can express our views about our team mates.

People I’m really came to know what my team mates are thinking about me through this activity. I personally honor my manager to brought this activity to our team.

Why you are gazing at computer now?. It’s time to start a Feedback session in your team.
Ready to know what your team mates are reckoning about you.


Quote on Leadership


“In everything that you do, if you want to gain respect of your men, you must be professionally better than them. You must be work harder than them. You've to stretch yourself more than them. If you ask them to work 8 hours then you must work 10 hours. If you ask them to walk 10 miles, you should walk 20. If you tell them to go without food, then you must go without food and water. Whatever you do make sure that you are better than them in quantum of efforts and competence. Whatever you do put them before you”.

                                  - Captain Gopinath, CEO of Air Deccan  
                                               (From “Simply fly” book)